In the News
The Life of Game
From Omaha World Herald
February 23, 2016

The Spielmasons are a group of local board game designers who meet every other Wednesday evening at Spielbound, near Midtown Crossing.
CoVis Codex – Cara Heacock
From CoVis Codex
December 15, 2015

Cara joins us to talk about Discount Salmon and the cool new meetup, Side Projects Club.
Review of Discount Salmon
From Guslado’s Games
February 12, 2015

Discount Salmon is one of my favorite random discoveries from Gen Con. The booth for Water Bear Games was stashed toward a back corner of the vendor floor far from the area inhabited by the big names in gaming.
Discount Salmon Review
From The Cardboard Republic
October 24, 2014

Blue waters, calm waves, a gentle breeze…it sounds ideal for a fishing excursion. Well, this place has none of that. Instead, welcome to the shores of Lake Miasma, the most polluted lake in the world.
GaaC at Gen Con 2014
From Games and a Curry
September 2, 2014

A video at Gen Con 2014 featuring Cara Heacock and Marcus Ross of Water Bear Games